Dreams Coming True

Photos by @radtrav, HMUA: @fayelaurenmakeup

HI! I’m Abe. I’m the managing partner here at Lightward.




I’m still reeling from being signed as a model and commercial actor for Bicoastal MGMT. What was once a dream is now a reality, and it feels amazing. 

Some background context:

I’ve been seeking representation to become a plus-size model for about two years now. Sharing my #abeminus100 journey on Instagram and hearing stories over the years about how I’ve impacted the lives of others really inspired me to pursue modeling and commercial acting because representation matters. It matters so much, especially in today’s quickly changing world. I wanted to see more plus-size, queer, latino, masc/fem men represented in media, commercials, movies, in places of power, etc. The journey towards more representation has already begun, and Bicoastal MGMT, the agency I’m now represented by, has been at the forefront of the body positivity and inclusivity movement since their inception across the industry. 

Alicia (my creative partner and Lightward’s very own Mary Poppins—she’s so talented) and I have been submitting my portfolio to different agencies over the past two years, with zero feedback or response. I found out about Bicoastal because a friend of mine, who I met at Hotel Bel Air a year and a half ago, got signed with the agency and encouraged me to apply. So I did. 

And, literally, ten minutes after I sent my submission, I got an email back saying they wanted to set up a meeting with me. Mind blown. I freaked out – I called Alicia to share the news and we both acted like we had just won an Emmy. It can be really difficult to get representation, especially with agencies that have large clients like Ralph Lauren, Victoria’s Secret, and Target (just to name a few), especially as a plus-size queer latino…so the celebration was warranted! 

The day of the meeting in L.A. came and it felt like Christmas morning. I wake up early because I couldn’t sleep. I listened to Spice Girls and Coldplay all morning to keep my brain in a positive headspace. I’d been sharing my journey with my community on social media, and the energy and support I received prior to the meeting was truly special and really helped me feel held by the people cheering me on across the world – I’ll never forget it. I also wrote a letter to my younger self. Here’s what it said:

To my thirteen year-old self:

Hey man! I’m your 33 year-old self. Just wanted to let you know that the darkest times you’re going through right now will indeed pass. You won’t always be constantly bullied. You won’t always have to hide your true colors and how you love. Don’t listen to them — it’s okay that you don’t drink or smoke or do what they do.

You’re going to be okay. Not only okay — but you’re going to live a life that you can’t even imagine! You wouldn’t believe me if I told you ☺️.

Today, where I’m standing, you’re going to meet with a big modeling agency in L.A.! Yes, that’s right — outside of your hometown and where Britney Spears lives!

No matter what happens, it’s a really cool opportunity. So keep going — you’re going to be okay — you’re beautiful and inspire people by being exactly who you are.

Also, give mom a big hug for me. ♥️


Abe of 2023

The meeting starts, and within the first ten minutes of the conversation, the agency director says, “I’ve been looking for someone like you for so long - will you join us at Bicoastal?” I couldn’t believe it. I had been preparing to try to sell myself—to show that I belonged in the room and on their talent roster. Instead, I was quickly invited to join the roster. The agency director also kept saying, “The sky’s the limit for you, Abe.” … 

I couldn’t believe it. I still can’t. But it’s starting to sink in. I’ve been working towards this reality for a long time. I’m a natural performer, and really enjoy doing it. I’m ready and excited to get to work - there’s so much to learn and I anticipate it all being a wonderful, eye-opening ride – just like my whole life has already been. ;) 

I want to inspire others to love their bodies and feel at home in their bodies, because everyone deserves that. 

I also want a little plus-size, queer latino kid who wears his mom’s clothes and gets bullied at school and doesn’t feel comfortable in his own skin to see me in a Target commercial or on a billboard in his neighborhood or on a Netflix TV show and say, “I’m going to be okay.”

This moment in my life feels like an opening to an adventure of a lifetime, and I’m ready.


#abethebabe // #abethemodel

Abe LopezThe Now V21